Treasure Time brings Books To Life

Music, Acting and Creative Movement

Treasure Time2021-12-28T17:28:27-04:00

Treasure Time for TV and all Media Platforms

Treasure Time is a 22 minute children’s show for ages 2-8, which promotes literacy and the sciences through the arts (STEAM PLUS),
and is good for family viewing.

The show is based on picture books, and is both live and animated.  After a story is read, six “Zoom” age children act it out in a musical skit.  All the kids on the show are unique, as they relate to the main theme and create stories of their own.

Over forty cable shows have been produced, along with live shows in libraries and schools. In a Boston suburb, Treasure Time has been referred to as the “Mrs. Rodgers” Show.

The Christmas Owl

Christmas Owl is about an Owl with an injured wing. He goes to a mouse, a rabbit and a duck [...]

Mort & Croc

Croc decided to go to the big city to see Santa. When he got there, Santa had already gone to [...]

Christmas Stocking

Christmas Stocking is about a poor girl in a coal mining town whose mother got sick and died, but when [...]

Yes, We Can

Yes, we can is about a duck, a frog. and a kangaroo, who make fun of each other for [...]

Treasure Time fulfills many functions

Promotes Spontaneous Play

Through interactive games, songs and presentation of ideas, Treasure Time provides opportunities for creative thinking and spontaneous play in children.


Each program provides a different story where the theme is repeated and illustrated through music and drama to provide a perfect and painless experience for learning the English language.

Learning Disabilities

Programs help to define meanings and illustrate concepts for children who find it difficult to learn.

Home Schooling

Programs provide excellent material for reading and comprehension through activities inspired by picture books.

Family Viewing

Each program has a theme and is entertaining. There is the story in the book, the story in the play, and the story as it plays out among the kids.


There is room for lots of product to accompany these shows, as each one represents a different book and theme. Good books which are out of print can be purchased and reprinted under the Treasure Time logo.

Plays can also be contracted for 8-10 hourly sessions.  This dramatic experience is about having an opportunity to put on a play from beginning to end. The culmination is a scheduled final performance for family and friends, and sometimes a cable TV show. Practice sessions can be held weekly during a school term or daily during a vacation period.

STEAM PLUS Programs by Treasure Time promote literacy through the arts and sciences to children aged 2-8, along with lessons of life. These plays and stories expose children to text and enrich children’s lives, as they acquaint them with a myriad of topics which delve into Science, Technology, Engineering and Math, STEAM; while PLUS is for issues which kids confront during childhood. Treasure Time programs can help children to become informed and catch up after being isolated for a year due to the pandemic or they can just help them to acquire reading skills and learn new facts.